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Admission Form

[select* Classtowhichadmissionissought first_as_label “Select The Standard” “Pre KG” “LKG” “UKG” “I Standard” “II Standard” “III Standard” “IV Standard” “V Standard” “VI Standard” “VII Standard” “VIII Standard” “IX Standard” “XI Standard”]
[text* text-pupilname placeholder “Name of the Pupil”]
Gender : [radio gender label_first default:1 “Male” “Female”]
[text* fatheremail placeholder “Contact Email”]
[date* Dob placeholder “Date of Birth”]
[text* Nationality placeholder “Nationality”]
[text* Religion placeholder “Religion”]
[text* Mothertongue placeholder “Mother Tongue”]
[text* Fatherquali placeholder “Father Name and Qualification”]
[text* fathersocc placeholder “Father’s Occupation”]
[text* motherqualifi placeholder “Mother’s Name and Qualification”]
[text* mothersocc placeholder “Mother’s Occupation”]
[text* parenguardaddress placeholder “Parent’s/Guardian’s Residential Address”]
[text* lastschool placeholder “School Last Studied(If any)”]
[text* annuincmoth placeholder “Annual Income of Mother”]
[text* annuincfath placeholder “Annual Income of Father”]
[text* fathercont maxlength:10 placeholder “Fathers Contact No”]
[text* Mothercont maxlength:10 placeholder “Mothers Contact No”]
[select your-lang “Select The Standard” “English” “Hindi” ]
[submit “Send”]
[text* text-754 class:form-control placeholder “Name*”]
[text* age class:form-control placeholder “Age*”]
[text* age class:form-control placeholder “Dob*”]
[email* email-788 class:form-control placeholder “Email*”]
[text* FathersHusbandsName class:form-control placeholder “Father’s / Husband’s Name”]
[select* MaritalStatus placeholder “Marital Status*” “Single” “Married” “Divorced”]
[text* Address placeholder class:form-control “Address for communication”]
[text* Tel placeholder class:form-control “Tel No”]
[text* Education placeholder class:form-control “Educational Qualification”]
[text* Technical placeholder class:form-control “Technical Education”]
[text* spouse placeholder class:form-control “Is your spouse working? Where give details”]
[text* extra placeholder class:form-control “Extra Curricular activities “]
[text* languageknow placeholder class:form-control “Languages known “]
[text* Awards placeholder class:form-control “Awards Received”]
[text* previousemp placeholder class:form-control “Reason for leaving the previous / Present employment”]
[text* joiningdate placeholder class:form-control “When will you join us if selected? “]
[text* responsibilities placeholder class:form-control “Will you take initiatives and additional responsibilities? “]
[text* whychoose placeholder class:form-control “Why did you choose this profession ( teaching)”]
[text* salarydrawn placeholder class:form-control “What was the salary drawn? “]
[text* salaryexpect placeholder class:form-control “What is the salary expected? “]
[text* spouse placeholder class:form-control “Is your spouse working? Where give details”]
[textarea* references class:form-control placeholder “References”]

Resume (Pdf / .docx files)

[file* file-554 filetypes:pdf class:form-control]
[submit class:rdtheme-button-2 “SEND MESSAGE”]